
The Company has put in place a whistle blowing policy. The policy encourages employees to raise concerns, in confidence, about possible irregularities to Mr Kuan Cheng Tuck, the Chairman of the whistle blowing committee, or Mr Tan Poh Chye Allan, a member of the whistle blowing committee. Such concerns include fraudulent acts, dishonesty, legal breaches and other serious improper conduct, unsafe work practices and any other conduct that may cause financial or non-financial loss to the Group or damage to the Group's reputation. It aims to provide an avenue for employees to raise concerns and offer reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimisation for whistle blowing in good faith.

Whenever a concern is raised under the policy by writing, telephonically or in person to the above mentioned whistleblowing committee members, the whistle blower and the report received shall be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be attended to immediately. The whistle blowing policy is posted in the Company's premises.

When making a report, the whistleblower should provide the following information as stated in the whistleblower report form:

Some concerns may be resolved by agreed action without the need for investigation. If investigation is necessary, the whistle blowing committee member will direct an independent investigation to be conducted on the complaint received. All whistle blowers have a duty to cooperate with investigations.

The Audit Committee oversees the administration of the policy. Periodic reports will be submitted to the Audit Committee stating the number and the complaints received, results of the investigations, follow-up actions required and any unresolved complaints. There were no complaints received in FY2013.

Contact information of the Whistleblowing Committee members are as follows:

Kuan Cheng Tuck
Email: ckuan2013@gmail.com

Tan Poh Chye Allan
Email: allytan2003@yahoo.co.uk